The Thanksgiving Episode
5 December 2017
Oh, what a missed opportunity! Spike Lee is a very idiosyncratic filmmaker that can come up with some interesting ideas, but he misses more often that he hits. When it works like "Do the Right Thing," he comes up with something that is both brilliant and provocative that will become a part of dinner table discussions for years to come. On the other hand, Spike Lee can completely miss the mark and do something so ill-conceived and misguided (e.g., Bamboozled or She Hate Me) that you can only scratch your head in disbelief. In a rare feat, in this season finale, Lee has somehow managed to do neither. He's taken a setup that is full of possibilities and only skimmed the surface. Rather than taking a Thanksgiving dinner as a way to explore Nola's character more deeply it becomes essentially an extended music video.
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