On my short-list of all-time favorite Christmas movies!
3 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This new Mickey Mouse special has quickly become one of my favorite Christmas movies. I saw it last year when it premiered and couldn't wait for it to be back this year! Two things about it especially make it great:

1) The references to old-school classics: it starts with a Bing Crosby-style opening song including Mickey dressed as the crooner, then there is a flashback to a Dickensian-style Victorian era Christmas, and even a musical number that would do Danny Kaye proud!

2) The message: ANYONE can celebrate Christmas! While I can appreciate "Charlie Brown Christmas," I have always found the end with Linus's big speech overly preachy and limiting the holiday strictly to Christians (which is why "Great Pumpkin" will always outrank "Christmas" in my book). This Disney special doesn't force a religious aspect (in fact, the only religious scene is a brief parody? homage? of the Nativity scene with Donald as the baby in the manger, which I suppose some Christians might even find offensive). By keeping Christmas strictly in the realm of a season to spend time with friends and family and celebrating with decorations, baked goods and gifts, it promotes the secular version of the holiday that anyone, including ducks who have to migrate to warm southern climates, can partake in.
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