The Flash: Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 (2017)
Season 4, Episode 8
The Build Up
29 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This part of the crossover was somewhat different to part 1 & 2, but that doesn't mean that it still wasn't pure awesome. This part focused on the build up to the final showdown to be done in part 4. As a result there was less action in this episode but more drama and emotion. And it worked very well.

We start off with the imprisoned heroes on Earth X being sent off to be executed by none other than the evil Earth X version of Quintin Lance, for them to be saved by the Earth X version of Leonard Snart! Seeing these two actors portray such different versions of the characters we've come to know and love was a highlight of this episode for me. Who knew that Lance could be so dark while Snart could be so caring?!

On earth 1 the Earth X trinity put their plan in motion to transfer Kara's heart into her evil doppelgänger's. While Iris and Felicity try to save Kara and free the rest of the heroes stuck in the pipeline. Throughout this part of the storyline we see a lot of interactions between Kara and evil Kara, and I've gotta say I was very impressed with Melissa Benoist's acting. Never did I think she had what it takes to play the bad guy, but I was very wrong, she's done a great job portraying both roles.

The final 15 minutes of the episode is where the real fun is had. The heroes on Earth X learn that the breach to their earth is heavily guarded by the Nazi's, which leads to an elaborate plan to get through the guarded area. It starts with Oliver dressing up as his evil doppelgänger and getting into the facility, where eventually his cover is blown and he kicks some Nazi a*s. We also get a great scene with Barry and an Earth X hero (who is he meant to be? Doctor fate?) attempting to take down Red Tornado who is there to blow up the facility which would destroy the breach. There was some great CGI action in the sequence.

But the big moment of the episode comes right at the end. Firestorm is tearing their way through the facility when they split up so they can each do a job to open the breach. Jax completes his portion of the job, but before Stein can complete his, he is shot and seemingly killed by a Nazi, and the episode ends there. This felt incredibly emotional especially with the father-son dialogue we've had between Stein and Jax across the crossover. Now for a lot of people this "death" may seem insignificant because part 4 of the crossover came on straight after, so they're able to find out what happens and if Stein did in fact die straight away. However for me, I wasn't able to watch part 4 live. So this death of Stein has taken a real emotional toll on me, and I really hope it's not the end of Stein. Shall find out very soon.

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