Review of The Web

The Web (1947)
The Web
29 November 2017
Lawyer Edmond O'Brien (Regan) bursts into the office of business magnate Vincent Price (Colby) to serve him with a notice to pay his client for damages incurred in a road incident. Price is impressed by the determination and loyalty that O'Brien shows and hires him as a bodyguard. In his new role, O'Brien shoots and kills someone but begins to suspect that he has been manipulated into this killing. The story unfolds and Price ain't no good guy.

The cast are all good in this offering and we watch as it dawns on O'Brien that things aren't what they seem. Credit to Police Lieutenant William Bendix (Damico) – he's on the right track and yet sort of wrong. The plot works out fine and it is easy to follow. We have two strong character actors in Price and Bendix. They own their characters just by speaking. That's their key identifier in any role that they play. The film is no great shakes but it's on the better side of OK.
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