The Flash: Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 (2017)
Season 4, Episode 8
The Escape
28 November 2017
Part 3 of the crossover was a little bit slower and more plotting, but that doesn't mean it wasn't kickass. In fact, it just provided for some different storytelling. Pretty much everyone is captured, and unlikely heroes in Felicity and Iris are forced to step up their game and prevent Kara from being cut open by none other than heart surgeon himself, Reverse Flash.

Complementing that with the appearance of a Nazi version of Lance, a powerful General version of Winn Schott leading Earth-X's resistance, a good natured version of Captain Cold or Leo as he goes by, and a brand new character in Ray Terrill aka The Ray. In some ways, this was the messiest episode with most of our heroes imprisoned for the episode and the rest of the Legends still nowhere to be found. Even still, there was so much to be thrilled about.

Most of the conflict came from Winn's unwillingness to let the team leave and go through the breach area because he didn't want Nazi Kara and Nazi Oliver to return to Earth-X ever. Who blames him? I sure don't. However, the conflict never really got to a point where I felt the weight of the situation, and I figured it would come down to The Ray and Leo pulling some strings. This once again provided some heart to heart moments in a desperate time, including another great 1v1 with Sara and Alex. Does anyone else want a spin off show with these two?

The other big moment came from Stein's sacrifice. More on this particular situation in part 4's review, but it was a bold move having Stein do what he did for the team, and if I may say a worthy move. Before moving on to part 4, it's worth mentioning just how awesome it was to hear Reverse Flash fought Superman in the future, that's how you plant an easter egg.

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