Reich is the Pundit Everyone Should Listen To
24 November 2017
11/24/17. This is the pundit everyone should listen to. Really. There are too many talking heads spewing hot air, but Reich is the modern day Citizen Renaissance Man. He's got the economy covered like the way it should be covered. Just like the fear of math holds back many people from better paying jobs, the fear of economics holds back most people from admitting their ignorance and thus lure them into losing their nest eggs to unscrupulous money managers, financial planners, etc. And, don't forget who is pulling back on regulating these people from unethical practices. Sad to say, Reich is the modern day Cassandra warning of impending doom while people are ignoring his insight as political propaganda. It is not. It is straight talk. Entities that make the money do not need to be bailed out. While they are being bailed out, it is the working people who suffer the most. Do you really think that when corporations get a tax break that the money they save from having to pay taxes will be plowed back into their companies so more jobs will be created? Think again. AI and robots are just around the corner to take over jobs that can be easily automated. That's where the money is going to go, if it goes back to the company and their workers at all. When the working people start to realize this, then perhaps we can realistically address the inequities and inequalities that are continually supported by people who make all the money and want to keep it that way.
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