Kevin Can Wait (2016–2018)
Everything about this show is a lie.
20 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show is a sham. The opening theme song states "I'm not your ordinary guy!" He is as ordinary as ordinary gets. The original premise of the show was to be about Kevin Jame's character's retirement from the police force. So what do they do after the first season? Kill off his wife, who was the only bright point on the show, bring back his former King of Queens co-star Leah Remini, and Kevin goes back to work. Completely veering from the original premise. They are trying to recreate King of Queens with another name. Period. Leah Remini looks tired and uninterested, Kevin James falls back on his tired physical comedy, and the supporting cast of friends and family just don't have what it takes to help propel the show forward. They have definitely lost the plot. Canned as canned gets.
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