Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Fool for Love (2000)
Season 5, Episode 7
Spike: Origin Story
18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, Buffy begins to feel powerless all of the sudden, getting defeated by a common vampire. She begins to question the legacies of past slayers and how they died. She goes to Spike for answers.

I love the flashback episodes in this period between BtVS and Angel. Seeing Spike's origin story really makes him seem like a more well- developed character and almost humanizes the vampire for us. And I'm a huge fan of being able to see past slayers through the ages. It brings a great touch to this episode.

I'm still not sure how I feel about this whole Buffy-Spike love-hate relationship. I know Buffy has a tendency for the "bad boys" but I just don't think I really buy this chemistry if it in fact actually comes to something. So far the overarching plot lines of this season leave a little to be desired but I really do like how they're getting back to the roots of the slayer and these vampires.

Still a great episode.
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