Get Ready To Shed Tears... If You are Human
17 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen every film about the plight of the American Indian. I am not of the opinion that any Indian was innocent of being human--and therefore faulty and in need of personal communion with the Great Spirit. Real Christ Worshipers show the way to Life, always have, and always shall. It is indeed unfortunate that there have never been that many, but bright lights need few luminary companions. So, to the film. This is most likely the best piece of literary and historical film ever made to show the utter complexities of the American Indian/Caucasian tragedy which, sadly, continues today though not on the scale that it did in the 19th century or even in the 1970s on the tail-end of the Civil Rights Movement. But a subjugated people--in this case, subjugated peoples--eventually learn who is in power, right? Look, we are all human, we are all greedy to some degree or another, and we will all slander or even kill to get what we think we need, and in more and more cases even what we want outside of needs. But it doesn't have to be that way. Jesus and his transforming power is the answer. Wait--the crucified son of a carpenter of one of twelve tribes decimated and nearly extinct by the time he was born? That just makes no sense. Well, of course it doesn't, which gives credence to the idea that it just might be the truth. You take the most unknown people on the planet-- the Hebrews or Jews--and you bring forth the Savior of the World through them, thus showing that any tribe and nation is eligible for salvation. There's not a more brilliant plan than that. Weave in the lying so-called "Christians" of the good ol' U.S. of A. and the vengeful American Indians of many tribes across this huge continent, and you have quite a story. That's what this film is. It's all about looking at what actually happened in the late 1800s and before, and then forgiving the perpetrators--on both sides. Questions which surface for this film? How much identification should any person have with his tribe and family? How much land does a conquering people actually need? How can true Christians actually show their Christ to those who don't understand? How far do we take the commandment of Jesus to love one another, and lay our lives down for them? Should I actually conquer, or should I, like many of the Scotch- Irish settlers (Protestants who supported William of Orange, thus 'Hill Billys') in the Appalachians, happily intermarry and create a new ethnic group? See this film with an open mind, and an open heart.
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