One of My Favorites
17 November 2017
With some of the best sight gags imaginable, a man who needs to get to Monte Carlo from Paris, hitches a ride with a guy in a car. Remember, this automobile was being used in 1905, so what i would look like was pure guesswork. It starts out funny in that the two men are wearing these enormous fur coats. You can barely see them under all that fur. First, they dump gasoline all over the place. They leave with great fanfare, but the driver puts the car in reverse and runs over one of the crowd, literally flattening him. The people use tire pumps to blow him up again. Soon the men are on their way, driving over the tops of the Alps, causing damage all along the way, running over people, knocking over fruit stands, collapsing buildings, blasting through the border guards. One can see the roots of Keaton, Laurel & Hardy, and other physical comedians in these episodes. As bad as some of the animation, the sheer lunacy of this is great.
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