Electric Dreams: The Hood Maker (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Makes no sense
16 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I personally couldn't stand this episode. The story is trying to make you feel sympathy and outrage for the the telepaths being held down and forced to live in poverty while the people desperately trying to keep their own thoughts private are portrayed as one-dimensional monsters. Everyone who wants to not get mind raped and puts on a mask to block out the telepaths also turns into a sadistic psychopath lol. So the people who mind rape are really being persecuted by not being able to mind rape everyone? That alone is a pathetic attempt to reverse the normal psychology of victim/oppressor often found in scifi.

Also I can't imagine how you could be expected to buy into these telepaths living in poverty. They'd be ruling the world and everyone else would be helpless victims desperately trying to survive in a world where every thought they have can be exploited at will. The masks should be a symbol of revolt against an oppressor who dominates because they can. I think the story just tries to be too clever and spin logic on its head but loses any sense of logic in the process. At the end the telepaths get sick of being outcasts and start destroying everything around them indiscriminately which only further shows that they should've been the bad guys in this story. If the story was structured to show there are no bad guys/good guys and both sides have merit I'd get it more. This story tries to make you side against the poor fools getting mind raped though and I can't imagine how that makes sense. By the end I didn't feel bad for the telepaths any longer, I was left thinking they needed to go lol. I felt bad for the normals who had no defense against these people except the hoods which no one seems to think should exist. It's like trying to make it seem that people with pepper spray to deter rapists are horrible people for not letting the rapists do their thing. Just abhorrent story telling..

Also like everyone else said, way too dark on the camera filters. Reminded me of watching Tim Burton without the cool quirky stuff that makes it interesting. Episode 1 is garbage.
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