The Flash: Girls Night Out (2017)
Season 4, Episode 5
Weakest episode all the DC shows this season...
16 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So until this episode I've been enjoying all 4 CW DC shows this season more than ever. I've thought the writing on all of them has taken a noticeable step up.

And then this.

To be fair, there's a bit of development with Caitlin/Frost...we're maybe finally seeing her come to grips a bit with...herself, which is good. (Though the audio filter they apply to Frost's voice is getting annoying.) The episode STARTS like it's going to be fun. It's great having Felicity guest star (I had to think for a moment "wait, this isn't her show, is it"?).

It worked pretty well, seemed like it was going to be fun through until Ralph inexplicably talks the other guys into going to a strip club they don't want to go to...which is as "fun" to watch as it is for the characters to do...which is to say, not at all.

There's piles of things that don't make sense (including Barry and Joe giving up their phones, Barry and Joe getting arrested despite doing nothing wrong and being police, and Felicity figuring out a biochemical question instead of having their Biochemist Caitlin do it. The latter at least probably for he sake of Felicity having something to do. )

There's also a weird stiffness to the dialog delivery and lots of dead air. None of the dialogue flows, and it's rarely well written. Ralph managed to be on the path towards rehabilitation as a character by the end of his first episode, but here he just comes off as sleazy and completely unlikable.

"The Thinker" has a brief appearance that crosses over from creepy to cheesy.

This is bad, but I'm suspicious/tempted to blame the new co-writer. The other writer has written multiple Flash scripts, and the director is good too...but the new writer's only listed credits are from Code Black, which did not exactly receive rave reviews. For all I know though the new writer could be responsible for all the parts that DID work,'s tempting to blame them when this was uniquely bad and the other writer has multiple Flash credits to her name.
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