Night of the dancing naked babes
14 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Horror novelist Bob (the hopelessly wooden William Bates) and his girlfriend Shirley (voluptuous knockout Pat Barrington, who does delectable double D duty as the gold girl) are searching for a cemetery that will serve as inspiration for Bob's latest story. The couple stumble across the pernicious Emperor of the Night (a gloriously fey and histrionic portrayal by Criswell) and his equally nefarious cohort the Black Ghoul (cute Vampira clone Fawn Silver), who force the pair to watch a variety of doomed distaff souls who bump and grind nude in front of them.

Director Stephen C. Apostof certainly delivers on the tasty T&A while also treating the absurd premise with a certain endearingly clunky sincerity. Edward G. Wood Jr.'s ridiculous script boasts a wealth of hilariously overripe dialogue (all-time favorite line: "Torture! Torture! It pleasures me!"). The slight story and plodding pace further add to this film's singularly screwball charm. The ten dances contained herein range from the extremely silly -- the Native American fire dance complete with war chants on the soundtrack has to be seen in order to be (dis)believed -- to the genuinely sexy, with redhead Coleen O'Brien's street walker routine and Nadejda Klein's sultry slave girl number rating as definite sizzling highlights. The fog-shrouded graveyard set provides an appropriately goofy ooga-booga atmosphere. A crummy mummy and dimestore werewolf supply groan-inducing comic relief. Robert Caramico's vibrant color cinematography astutely captures all the eye-popping naughty sights. Jaime Mendoza-Nava's groovy score hits the right-on swinging spot. A total kitschy hoot.
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