Combat!: A Gift of Hope (1964)
Season 3, Episode 11
The Deserter
13 November 2017
While resting in a French liberated village, Kirby attacks a civilian claiming that he is Sgt. Avery, a deserter that panicked during the Battle of Saint-Lô. A lieutenant observes the assault and brings Kirby and Saunders to report the incident. Kirby keeps his position while Saunders explains that Avery was a good soldier that died in Saint-Lô. When Saunders returns to his shelter, he meets Avery that tells a strange story about the battle. He claims that there is soldier that had witnessed his efforts during the battle that can support him in the Court Martial and Saunders decides to accompany him in the search of the soldier that is in the front. Will they find the witness?

"A Gift of Hope" is an inconclusive episode of "Combat!". The promising storyline has a great beginning and intriguing development, but the conclusion is disappointing. The tough Sgt. Avery indeed was yellow in battle and the writer stops the screenplay in a comfortable position. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Uma Dádiva de Esperança" ("A Gift of Hope")
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