Star Trek Continues: To Boldly Go: Part I (2017)
Season 1, Episode 10
Time Machine Perfection
12 November 2017
On a shoe string budget and amid the hostility of CBS, they have created a series of little gems that recall the hey day of Star Trek. Recreated with exacting detail and wisely using the excellent background music of the original series, that have pushed Trek forward while preserving the spirit of the series - something that has been lost since the days of STNG.

A true achievement made by people who love the essence of what made Star Trek stand apart. While the current series goes for darkness and milestones like incorporating the first F bomb (what a daring stroke!) Star Trek Continues plies the waters first explored by Gene Roddenberry with a positive view of the future and the people who will inhabit it. THAT is Star Trek. I only wish they could make more.
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