Hollywood lecturing America on misanthropy --
12 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Tukel is the quintessential full of himself Hollywood director/producer Essentially the embodiment of the hypocrisy and the contradictions of today's entertainment business -- himself a misanthropic borderline sociopath about as rude and nasty as Harvey Weinstein, but without the power.

enter this god awful mess which I saw screen at a festival last month -- and which had even the most vitriolic Trump haters groaning given the timing and revelations that the Hollywood liberal set is an order of magnitude more misogynist and despicable.

The main problem with the film is its saving grace as well-- essentially it plays to people's bias with a classic red herring: defining voters by the worst possible caricatures. A Bernie Sanders campaign worker committed a mass shooting, shooting up a GOP house member and staff ballgame. Does this mean this is representative of Sanders voters? Seven out of ten of Hollywood's largest contributors or supporters to Hillary are turning out to be rapists or best friends with rapists. Is that representative of Hillary supporters? The fact is Trump followed eight years of the most divisive White House in history.

And only the most blind Hillary supporters don't understand that Donna Brazil's book simply tells us what we already know: Hillary was the least qualified candidate to run in the last 100 years.

Tukel even manages to blame Jill Stein voters. not seeming to realize that if the two non major party candidates, Johnson and Stein had not been in the race Trump still would have won. Trump and Johnson votes were more in both popular and resultant electoral votes than Hillary plus Steins votes. so his blaming of Stein voters for Hillary's loss So while I would give this zero stars -- I give this mess one star for (unintended) irony: lecturing Americans on misogyny or better yet shocking appeal to the lowest common denominator campaigns is too funny given the only thing worse than Trump was the deeply corrupt Hillary, and the only group more misogynist than Trump supporters was Hillary supporters.
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