The Flash: Girls Night Out (2017)
Season 4, Episode 5
The Flash - Girls Night Out
8 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This season of the Flash has started quite strong for me. While it's not the best start to a season, it has laid a lot of ground work that I think many of the other shows take a bit longer to lay.

Before getting into the meat of the review, I have to quickly mention the reoccurring security joke. Security at STAR Labs has been one of this shows biggest faults and I like how the writers have the self awareness to poke fun at it. It is a value I think the show does very well and it showed again tonight.

Okay, girl power. The biggest problem I have with male driven shows trying to make a girl power episode, is that the first thing they do is take the men off the table. And they never take them off the table because they have to deal with a treat that is important, but instead put them in a situation that could have been avoidable. Episodes promoting girl power is something I think this world needs, however when it is in episodes like this where girl power is a result of taking away the men, it never does anyone any favours.

Despite majority of the episode being focuses around the women in power and the men out of commission (which I thought at point was still entertaining) there were still some elements of this episode that I think will stand out when we look back at this season.

Firstly, I thought the Killer Frost story did a really good job on focusing on Killer Frost and Caitlin and giving us some answers as to what as happened between the end of last season and now. Going forward, I think her coming clean to everyone is going to set us up with having a more friendly Frost and have her powers be utilised by the team.

The second thing I really liked about was Katee Sackoff. I thought as a villain she worked quite well and I like how they have pitted her as a Killer Frost villain rather than a Flash villain. It seems as though she will be back so I am very interested to see what they do with her.

The final thing is that I liked how they gave the metahuman a bit more meaning with DeVoe picking him up at the end. It'll be interesting to see what they do with him but my hope is that he is used next week. My biggest take away from it however is how DeVoe spoke to him as though his power was given to him for a specific purpose. While we know he has behind everything happening, giving him the power to choose what powers each person got will add another dynamic into the story.

Overall, while this episode was no where near the best, or even middle, there were still some parts that stood out to me. While they did stand out amongst a weak episode, I think these elements will still be standing as important points when we look back at this episode later on.

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