Review of Truman

Truman (2015)
All of the characters are jerks
6 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with this movie is that ALL of the characters are jerks. Except Truman, I guess, but his part is so small and inconsequential that it's absurd to name the movie for him.

The guy who's dying lies all the time for no good reason, he spends his friend's money like a spoiled, manic child (he's an "Artist" -- an underemployed has-been stage actor -- so he can't be EXPECTED to have anything of his own but mountains of debts), and he's totally -- TOTALLY -- self-absorbed. Nobody matters but poor Julian, or whatever his name is (Who cares what his name is? Not me).

Oh, but he's dying! Boo-hoo. Everybody dies. It's no big deal, and it is NO excuse for acting like a selfish jerk and abusing the few people who care about him for reasons I CANNOT understand. I wouldn't spend four minutes with him, much less four days.

His childhood friend Tomas, who drops everything at home in Canada to jet back to Madrid for four days because Julian "needs" him, seems to be an okay guy until he sleeps with Julian's cousin Paula -- in the most gratuitous, unnecessary, shoehorned-in sex scene I have EVER seen in a movie -- evidently as a means of "coping" with their shared grief over the jerk's impending death, totally oblivious to the beloved and loving wife and two kids Tomas parted from with great affection just two days earlier. What kind of jerk does that?

Paula is no better. She frets and interrogates and pouts and sulks and cries because Julian is making his own decisions about dying instead of doing it HER way, whatever that way may be. And she sleeps with Tomas, knowing all about his family back in Canada -- but who cares about THEM? Nobody in this stupid, irritating, obnoxious movie.
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