The Flash: Elongated Journey Into Night (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
The show is heading in the right direction
2 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"The Flash: Elongated Journey Into Night" is a fun little episode introducing the "Breacher" (Danny Trejo) and "The Elongated Man" played by Hartley Sawyer. We learn that Breacher is Gypsy's father and is not too pleased that Cisco is dating his daughter. The scouring face that Trejo presented at all times was amusing to me and played a part in making the Breacher such an enjoyable character to see on screen."I will hunt" you added just that extra bit of icing on the cake. Now onto the "Elongated Man", Ralph Dibny, a once famous and respected cop now helping widows with their problems. Hartley Sawyer did an amazing job on perfecting the character as one that the audience can both hate and feel sympathy for. The ending was the most intriguing as De Voe was finally mentioned to Barry. The dealer on Dibnys phone line was none other than our old friend "the Thinker" and the mention of his name triggered Barry's memory. This episode was a fun and enjoyable one to watch and shows that the show is heading in the right direction. As the thinker gets more and more exposed what will Barry and his friends do to stop him?
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