The Flash: Elongated Journey Into Night (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
Stretches For Humor, But More Often Than Not It Succeeds
1 November 2017
Hey, why not introduce The Elongated Man at this point, right? I'll accept anything this show can do to change things up every now and then. At the same time, I like when it takes a page out of season 1's tone and keep things light. This week's episode introduced one of the more goofy DC characters of all time, in Elongated Man, and also gave us a pretty fun guest star appearance from Danny Trejo. So in all, it was a rather enjoyable week of the Scarlet Speedster.

Trejo provided much of the entertainment as he played Gyspy's (Cynthia) disapproving father. Of course, he's also a breacher (named Breacher) and posed a problem for Cisco as he just wanted to spend another romantic night with his girlfriend. Trejo brought just the right amount of 80's/90's action movie cheesiness and bad assery to solidify this guest star appearance as one of the most memorable on the show's 4 season run. This also gave Cisco an opportunity to step his game up in the field, and use his powers to save some people for once. I would definitely like to see a little bit more of that going forward.

The team also was made aware of who the mind is behind all of these new meta-humans, none other than DeVoe himself. Of course, the audience already knew that DeVoe (The Thinker) was behind the last few weeks of villains, but I was surprised to see the show reveal that so soon to its characters. After season 3 took a painfully long time revealing Savitar, it's only right that this season does the opposite. How does this affect things going forward though? How much does knowing his last name really help Team Flash?

Speaking of the team, Elongated Man was welcomed into the fold officially at the latter of this episode, perhaps too soon. But at the same time, now that Wally is out of the picture (for the time being), I guess a spot is open. The good thing is that his powers are different than anyone else on the show, and will give the writers some breathing room to develop new stories. It also helps that Hartley Sawyer did a nice job of displaying a tragic past with that of snarky humor. It was tough to warm up to him, and it sure seems like he's being welcomed to the team rather fast, but I'm sure he'll work well with the team soon.

Overall, this episode was perhaps the most fun episode of the season. Sure isn't saying much, but to be honest, besides The Thinker, I'm liking the direction this season is taking. At least, in terms of the tone. We haven't completely been introduced with the bigger character arcs just yet.

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