Black Lake (2016–2018)
Top of the Lake.
1 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After the first two weeks of October were pretty rubbish,I started trying to catch up on Horror viewings for the rest of the month. Looking at the TV listings,I found a Horror mini-series about to air,which led to me dipping into the black lake.

The plot:

Gathering all his friends, Johan takes all of them on holiday to a ski centre that has never been opened. Arriving at the centre,Johan reveals that he is in the final stages of buying the place up. Over the next few days,Johan's pals get bloodshot eyes,hear strange noises,and find a locked room in the centre. Unknown to Johan's friends,the place has been left disused,after a murder took place decades ago…

View on the series:

Directing 4 eps each, David Berron & co-writer/(with Peter Arrhenius/Moa Herngren and Ulf Kvensler) director Jonathan Sjöberg use the isolated setting of the disused ski centre for a frosty horror atmosphere of a whistling wind filling the silences and the unexpected shutting of doors reverberating down the corridors. Laced with a tingling score from Björn Palmberg, Berron and Sjöberg mix tinted glimpses to a ghostly past with bloodshot sides of gore,that give the series a much-needed hit of urgency.

Keeping all the group held up in one location,the writers set the foundation for a haunted teen horror,with some psychological depth. Running at a trim 42 minute run-time for each ep,the writers offer signs of a "body count" chiller, but freezes all hope of it coming to life,with the eps being largely filled with poorly-written attempts to explore each character,that ends in them all losing their initial motivation to solve the case. Eyeing a supernatural horror,the writers at first open the door to a mysterious slow-burn puzzle of what took place at the centre. As the episodes unfold,the writers sadly take missteps in allowing no progression in the building of the horrors, (why would no one think of breaking the door down?) until the very last moment,which to a thud of a "twist ending",that sinks into the black lake.
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