The Flash: Elongated Journey Into Night (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
The Flash - S04E04 Elongated Journey Into Night
31 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have really loved what The Flash has done this season so far. Within 3 episode I think they have set a really strong foundation for this season to be built off.

I really loved this episode. It had some really good story lines that played out this episode while still adding some solid information towards our main story. I really like when they have episodes like this because they can stand as their own self contained story while still adding into the larger cause.

The main story in this episode was the Elongated Man. They approached this story in a really interesting way because while he was one of the 12 people on the bus, we also saw he had a beef with Barry. I think this beef between the two turned out to be something really interesting because it really made Barry question what Ralph did compared to what they do now. I also thought that Hartley Sawyer who plays Elongated Man did a really great job playing that jerk character who does have that softer side.

Going forward with Ralph/Elongated Man, I'm really interested to see how they take him now that he is kind of joining the team. With both Wally West and Julian leaving, the time was a bit light on team members. Why I don't necessarily want another member on the team, I think he could be a strong story to be played out for a few episodes that will have a pay of later on in the season.

The secondary story was perhaps my favourite part of the episode. I thought Danny Trejo as Gypsy's father was fantastic. I think his serious tone worked really well against Carlos Valdes funny tone with Cisco. 

While they were never going to give the win to Breacher, I really liked the way this played out because it adds into the Cisco/Gypsy relationship which I really enjoy. I have my fair share of relationship dramas on these CW superhero shows, but Cisco and Gypsy is the perfect example of how to do a relationship well. 

So far in The Flash, this season has set a tone that I have really enjoyed. It's very light hearted and campy that it gives season 1 vibes, which is something I am all onboard for. This vibe carried through to this episode and I really enjoyed how well it mixed with what was going on story wise.

Overall, I really loved this episode. The tone was perfect, the story lines worked really well, and it sets up some more foundation that they can build off next week. This season I feel like they have accomplished so much more in 4 episodes then other seasons have in this point.

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