Review of Heroes Wanted

Heroes Wanted (2016)
Easy watch
29 October 2017
I found this one on Netflix and was in a "whatever works" mood. So I decided..porque no..Watch this one. It is a silly movie and overall I actually enjoyed it. I did not know what to expect, because I rarely watch Spanish movies. It is not the world's greatest comedy/nor acting, but I still think they managed to make it enjoyable. So - if you are in the same mood as me or just want to watch something easy going, this might be a good option. It is somewhat a low budget movie, but that also makes it silly. What I do like about movies (lets say from Spain), is that the actors are unknown for me (even if they are well known from TV etc in their own country)..and thats a good thing. I cant even tell you how fed up I am with the same overused actors in movies. No names mentioned, no names forgotten.

Try it and you might find yourself enjoying yourself for 1.5 hour=)
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