Pretty Poison (1968)
power dynamics switch
28 October 2017
Dennis Pitt (Anthony Perkins) gets released from a mental institution. He has a tendency to tell fantastical lies. He is taken with teen Sue Ann Stepanek (Tuesday Weld) and pretends to be a CIA agent. She is wildly eager to believe him. He gets fired and engineers a mission to sabotage the factory. She joins him on his mission, kills a security guard, and steals his gun. Her mother threatens Dennis over Sue Ann.

Perkins is never forceful but always has that creepy off-centered presence. Sue Ann's quick acceptance of his lies is a little odd. There is an interesting switch in the power dynamics as her strange naivety turns into disturbed manipulative Lolita. It would be great to have more sexuality in the manipulations. This is plenty dark but I want the tone to be even darker. This is a fascinating little movie.
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