OtherLife (2017)
Good but dark near-future techno-thriller
28 October 2017
I was happy to get much more than I expected. All movie-making aspects are well met! Being one of my favorite subject, I would like to underline the movie subject and it's dystopian context. The movie gives science-driven insight into some negative implications of interdisciplinary technologies-driven Western civilization. Those are slowly becoming part of our everyday reality in the hidden negative way. It's already proved through last century how the new technologies come promising us better life but, as shown in the movie, are eventually misused the other way around by egoistic/selfless corporate-driven entities ending in variety of horror scenarios.

Being a part of this recent and "hungry" subject, explored by likes of P. K. Dick's novels-inspired movies and e.g. Black Mirror series. This piece concentrates on one of many sensitive implications of those forthcoming technologies. In this case combined of molecular biology, genetic pharmacy, various cognitive sciences and computer technologies like VR, "neuro-simulations", bio-3D printing, etc. Ultimately ending with horror scenarios like being imprisoned in ones' own mind; w/o means of escaping or ending it, not in any way.

What if "They" shell really take our freedom, our choice, as it's already happening - slowly, subtly and subliminally? That's I believe why movies like this are important.
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