Review of Ajin

Ajin (2016–2017)
One of the better Shounen Anime.
28 October 2017
Really enjoyed the anime, it is a shounen anime (aimed primarily at a young male audience, typically characterized by action-filled plots). It had its share of issues but overall a good watch.

Storyline: Standard run of the mill story of Human vs Something Unnatural, Ajin in this case, a human which can't be killed, they also have a ghost-like companion which they can call to do there bidding. What it had working for it was the constant development of characters focused plot and the fast-paced storytelling, time was not wasted on useless drawn out fight sequences. Love a Shounen anime which is story driven. (8/10) Animation: Unlike other anime, this was a 3D CGI, would say decent most of the time, but at first it felt too erratic and took time to get used to, most of the times the body movements felt slow and unnatural, only during action sequences there was smooth flow. The biggest reason why people will not like the anime is the animation. (4/10) Action: Really enjoyed it, the fight sequences were tactical based and not simply overpowering someone mindlessly. Good use of mind games, strategy, ability and modern weapons. (8/10) Characters: One of the few anime where the bad guy was more interesting and intriguing than the supposed lead. There is no clear good vs bad here, survival, self-motivation is the biggest driven forces. (8/10)
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