Average Thriller
26 October 2017
Secrets of a Psychopath (2015)

** (out of 4)

Henry (Mark Famiglietti) and Catherine (Kari Wuhrer) are a strange brother and sister pair who have some dark secrets. Henry, a social weirdo, meets various women online and we see the horrors that await them as they become too close to the pair.

The 93-year-old Bert I. Gordon returned to the director's chair for the first time in twenty-six years to direct this horror movie that's certainly far from awful but at the same time there's certainly nothing great here either. The movie certainly showed a lot of promise and featured a nice twist at the end but at the same time there were some flaws that kept it from being better.

I must say that for the most part I enjoyed the performances in the film and especially by Famiglietti and Wuhrer. I thought both of them were quite believable in their roles and I thought the whole brother-sister aspect was sold quite nicely. I also thought the film was very well-made and when you consider the budget it's even more impressive. A lot of these cheap direct-to-video releases look quite cheap and poor but that's not the case here.

The story itself was interesting enough to where it should have worked better but there's no question that there's very little impact here. The film was meant to be psychological thriller but there's really not any thrills here and the film is certainly never scary. I'd also argue that the film just never fully explored the dark nature of the story like it could have.

With that said, if you're a fan of the director's work then you'll notice this is far away from his "big" pictures. SECRETS OF A PSYCHOPATH isn't a masterpiece or even a good movie but there's certainly much worse out there.
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