Interesting, informative, historical look at the scandal and taking down of a president.
25 October 2017
Every history buff knows "Watergate" and the scandal that shook Washington and took down president "Nixon" and the term "Deep Throat" rings a bell with this issue. Well finally a film puts this person in showcase spotlight that being Mark Felt(good performance from Liam Neeson) the man who brought down the white house literally. The film is informative with the behind the scenes look at the interviews and investigations after the "Watergate" break ins and it's looked at first with doubt, cover up, skepticism, and not wanting to believe from not just the administration, but many agents who are close to Nixon want a cover up. However Mark Felt is the one agent who wants answers and the truth as he feels the need for honor and integrity. So this film is a well done investigative journey of the behind the scenes workings of the political game and it's under the table moves and ways of doing business, while it seeks truth and justice while bringing down those involved. Really if your a history buff this is a near perfect film to watch as it's informative.
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