Whitney (2015 TV Movie)
The movie was too 1- sided...
23 October 2017
I know this is a late review, as i see that this movie aired a few years ago, I actually liked the movie as far as entertainment purposes. It does seem according to this bi-opic, Whitney was already heavy into drug use. Bobbie Brown was completely innocent of any wrong doing...smh Umm yeah right! Did Bobbie have anything to do with the production of this movie? He comes out smelling like a rose and looking like a dutiful husband. Whitney had an amazing talent that very few are ever close to being born with. Bobbie Brown however he came to be, was nowhere close to her range. I never did get the attraction as far as talent was concerned. I feel like he was a huge part of her demise. Bobbie rode her coattails to popularity and stardom. I was truly saddened by her downfall and her untimely death. Truly a sad ending indeed. Not to mention the death of her young daughter following right after hers. With that all said and done, I thought that the young, beautiful newcomer Yaya Decosta did a phenomenal job portraying larger than life Whitney, especially the onstage performances. She captured her pretty well. If she keeps it up, I am sure we will see a lot more of her in the future...
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