'My man Johann' advances from butler to lover and parliamentarian
23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I read the summary of this film, I immediately thought: This is almost like "My Man Godfrey", all over again. with William Powell again employed as an exemplary butler for part of the film(the first half of the present film, and the last half of the former film.) In both films, Powell has a social conscience, and it's clear he has the potential to rise above his present station, and make a young woman of the household fall in love with him, despite his starchy manner. Although "My Man Godfrey" is much better remembered, I find the two not so different. The main problem I see with this film is the thick French accent of the leading lady: Annabella, which is often virtually unintelligible, this being her first Hollywood film spoken in English. Also, her personality is rather different from that of Carol Lombard, in "My Man Godfrey". By the following year, in "Bridal Suite", her English had considerably improved.

Walter Lang, the director, would go on to direct many of Fox's numerous musical romances over the next 2 decades. ...The indomitable Hellen Westley, as Annabella's society mother, often brings measure of humor to her exuberant personality. ...Henry Stephenson plays his usual role as a grandfatherly, tolerant, gentleman, in the part of Count Sandor, Annabella's father and presently prime minister of Hungary(Why Hungary was chosen as the location of this story escapes me).... Joseph Schildkraut played Annabella's Baron husband, until the ending, when Annabella dumps him for Powell..., Lynn Bari who made a career out of playing 'the other woman' or an evil woman, is a maid. She keeps hinting that she would like to have a relationship with Powell, but he only has eyes for Annabella.

There's quite a bit of humor here, mostly situational. Powell has been doing some political thinking and organizing behind Stephenson's back, becoming leader of the opposition Social Progressive party. Strangely, Stephenson isn't alarmed about this unprecedented situation. In fact, he rationalizes it as possibly beneficial to his role as Prime Minister. Even when, in parliament, Powell chews up the record of the Conservative party and Stephenson's role in particular, Stephenson doesn't seem too upset. However, Powell claims he's going to maintain his position as the family's butler along with his political role. Soon, it becomes clear that this is an impossible combination to carry out(as any sensible person would immediately see). Hence, Stephenson gently fires him, ending a long tradition of service started by Powell's ancestors. This act induces Annabella to speed up her romantic dallying with Powell, inducing her husband to divorce her, as she wishes.

See this charming and funny film at YouTube.
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