Outlandish as well as violent Spaghetti Western with good cast and decently directed
20 October 2017
This moving and pretty surreal Spaghetti packs impressive duels , crossfire , rare events , and turns with exciting final . For money , for pleasure, for revenge, he doesn't care why he kills or how ; as Django heads west for vengeance . Four gunslingers (Richard Conte , Enrico Maria Salerno , Adolfo Celi , Tomas Milian) killed Django's (Robin Clarke) brother a long time ago . The merciless Django seeks for revenge and hunts them down without mercy and is willing to kill them . Soon ¨Django¨ or ¨Cash¨ tracks the others to a strange town where inhabitants strung up the gang . The stranger executes a single-handedly revenge , as he shoots , ravages and murders each person involved in his brother's killing.

Maccaroni western with habitual elements such as noisy action , chases , brawls , poker game , go riding , shootouts and it has some other very bizarre elements as Robin Clarke is crawling out of a mass grave or drinking cups of milk . This technical crudeness and rare histrionics in this movie mingle to create a bizarre and fascinating surreality . This pretty straight-forward film contains a complex screenplay filled with offbeat issues . The acting is pretty good , especially Tomas Milian's performance is great (as always), as a crazy albino . Here appears a lot of Italian secondaries , ordinary players in Spaghetti Western . As the supporting cast includes Adolfo Celi who plays the villainous landowner priest and does a great job . Like many other movies with Django in their title, this ¨Django Unbarmherzig Wie Die Sonne¨ or ¨Sentenza Di Morte¨ or ¨Death Sentence¨ has little to nothing to do with Sergio Corbucci's 1966 masterpiece "Django", however it is one of the best of these movies . This ¨Django Unbarmherzig Wie Die Sonne¨ was just given its Django-name in German and English, due to the success of Corbucci's masterpiece . According to the the producers decided to release the movie in countries outside Italy as "Django" as a way to take advantage of the success of a prior release , Django (1966) starring Franco Nero . There is plenty of action in the movie , guaranteeing some violence , shoot'em up or stunts every few minutes . There is a very odd implementation of shots in the camera work during some particular scenes as the film approaches its climax , as in the final and the exciting conclusion . The movie gets the usual Western issues , such as avenger antiheroes , violent facing off , exaggerated baddies , soundtrack with Morricone influence , among them . The sense of pacing is such that his film can be counted on to move quickly and smoothly . Italian production full of action , excessive characters , shootouts and lots of violence . This meaty Western contains an interesting but twisted plot , violence , thrills and results to be quite entertaining , though drags at times , balancing in ups and downs . A good example of Latino western genre from Italy ; it is daring , surreal and notoriously violent Spaghetti , so extreme in every way , it is one of the handful of great Italian Western . Offbeat Spaghetti Western and it is proceeded in violent style and unusual narration . The film packs violence , gunplay and high body-count ; it's fast moving and quite entertaining . It's a thrilling western with breathtaking confrontation between the protagonist Robin Clarke against a withdrawn rancher : Richard Conte (They came to Cordura) , a notorious card player Enrico Maria Salerno (who starred Spaghettis as ¨Train to Durango¨, ¨Bandidos¨, ¨3 Pistole Contro Cesare¨) , a despotic priest : Adolfo Celi (Yankee, Thunderball) and an insane albino : Tomas Milian with an obsession for gold . Robin Clark is fine , he ravages the screen , hit and run and kills . Tomas Milian as crazy albino is good , though pretentious and overacting , he stays interesting throughout . The Cuban Tomas Milian plays splendidly , he had got fame and fortune with his character ¨Cuchillo¨ from the trilogy directed by Sergio Sollima . Tomas created his own image and propelled himself to stardom in likewise fashion with such important Spaghetti as ¨The Bounty Killer¨ (1966) ¨The Big Gundown¨ (1967) with Lee Van Cleef, ¨Face to Face¨ (1967), ¨Django Kill!¨ (1967) and ¨Run, Man, Run¨ (1968) , ¨Sonny and Jed¨, ¨Tepepa ¨ and ¨Compañeros¨ , getting maxim popularity with his hippie cop character , Nico Giraldi , from ¨Cop in Blue Jeans¨ ,"Squadra Antimafia" ¨Squadra Antigangsters¨ and sequels . He nowadays continues acting in secondary as well as prestigious roles such as in ¨Traffic¨, ¨ The Yards ¨, ¨Amistad¨, ¨The burning season¨, ¨Nails¨, ¨JFK¨, ¨Havana¨, among others .

Good production design creating an excellent scenario with luminous outdoors , shimmer deserts under a shinning sun and fine sets in desert of Tabernas , Almeria . Good photography , including a nice remastering . As it displays a colorful and evocative cinematography in Technicolor Techniscope by Antonio Secchi . The cinematography and the locations are great , and so is the theme song , which I can't get out of my head. Great musical score by Gianni Ferrio , furthermore a catching and emotive leitmotif . The motion picture was well directed by Mario Lanfranchi at his best , in pseudonym Johnny Jordan . He began his career as a film director with this western , followed by several other movies of different genres. Known for his Operas as he was pioneer of Italia television and the first one to bring opera to the small screen, including Lucia Di Lammermoor , La Traviata , Turandot , La Sonnambula , and in 1956, with "Madama Butterfly", which did rise his wife Anna Moffo to the rank of diva . It is a must-see for us fans of Spaghetti Westerns and Tomas Milian fans .
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