A Mother's Revenge (2016 TV Movie)
Totally ridiculous & completely unrealistic
18 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
No matter how stupid the premise is of these tele-movies, they just keep churning them out, formulating these nonsensical plots and filling them with ham actors. This is really a dumb movie from start to finish.

This roller-coaster ride of stupidity starts when our "star", Jennifer, and the antagonist, Connor, picks up each others bags at the airport by mistake. Yes it can still happen as apparently human beings still haven't realised that they manufacture multiple copies of the same styles of luggage, and a black bag is in no way unique. Anyway, once they both realise their mistake, you'd think it'd be a relatively easy process of just swapping the bags over but then we wouldn't have the rest of this train wreck to look forward to. As such, Jennifer is contacted by Connor and he talks a little "weird" for her liking so instead of meeting up with him, she arranges for the airport to pick up his bag so she doesn't have to deal with it, and that ladies and gentlemen is the only common sense thing in this whole stupid plot.

At some point the airport picks up the bag, however Connor still believes that Jennifer has it and in order to get the bag back he kidnaps her daughter Katey while pretending to deliver flowers and holds her for ransom until he gets his bag back. The rest of the movie has Connor turning into a poor man's Jigsaw, masterminding these games by having Jennifer run all over the city to various places, needing to find a hidden mobile phone all within a certain timeframe or Katey dies. The 2 detectives that Jennifer talks to are nothing more than a pair of bungling idiots who at first don't believe her story about bag switching but when Jennifer's ex-husband is killed by Connor, she's now prime suspect so this untrained and desperate woman is running all over town to places she's never been AND successfully managing to avoid a city wide police search for her all at the same time. Also a woman carrying a handbag, and a suitcase can somehow still outrun and outmanoeuvre trained police.

Through all this, Connor's bag he's so desperately after is patiently waiting for him at the airport. A single call to them and the problem solves itself, so this overly elaborate scheme with kidnapping, disposable phones, and getting Jennifer to prove how she can follow instructions need not have happened at all. Eventually Jennifer and Connor come face to face at Niagara Falls, where Jennifer is waiting with a fake bag in exchange for her daughter. Connor finds out the bag is fake, but can't do anything about it as the Detectives show up, shoot him, he goes over the falls and we all get to have a Merry Christmas.

It turns out there was 50 Million in fake bonds hidden in the lining of the bag. How that managed to get through airport security, especially these days is anyone's guess but if we get bogged down in details then there's no point in watching movies ever again. But one the biggest plot holes in the history of stupid movies is, if you know that there's that much illegal cash & bonds hidden in your suitcase, wouldn't you make doubly sure that you had the right bag BEFORE you took it off the carousel and left with it? Wouldn't you want to grab it first before someone else does and have some unique way of identifying it as yours? I can tolerate some stupidity in movies for the sake of propelling the story along in the name of entertainment, but when a movie is foolish from the get-go and the ensuing events seem to be made up on the spot without any real sense of continuity then there's no point in watching and it is with this. Give it a miss.
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