The Flash: Mixed Signals (2017)
Season 4, Episode 2
The Flash - S04E02 Mixed Signals
18 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Second week back with The Flash. I thought last week's premiere was quite solid. It laid a good foundation to build off and caught us up to speed with where everyone was at in the show.

I really enjoyed this episode, while I had a few problems with the episode, are are small details that didn't take away from the overall episode.

Firstly I have to hit on the tone of the episode. The earlier seasons of The Flash had this uplifting and charming tone that I think they went away from a bit last season. This season however they have brought it right back and it is a massive positive for me. The humour is strong, the characters are all light and fluffy and there isn't a big dark cloud hanging over everyone's heads. If the season keeps with this tone, they are going to have a very good season.

I really like how they have tweaked how these earlier episode villains are working. I've always enjoyed the early villain of the week episodes because it allows Team Flash to be the forefront which still giving us some action. This season isn't much different except for that all the villains are tying into the Thinker's plan. It gives these early villains a bit more meaning than they have had previously.

Onto some negatives, I thought Barry and Iris' relationship drama was a little over the top this episode. While I understand the need for relationship stuff because it is a CW show, this episode presented both the best they can do and the not so best. Barry and Iris was in the not so best. By the looks for it, their drama is over for now which is something to look forward too. As I mentioned, there was a really good display of relationship in this episode and that was Cisco and Gypsy. They have this natural chemistry that really works well with the show, similar to what Patty and Barry had a couple of seasons ago.

Overall, while not the strongest villain of the week, the Thinker tie in made it feel important. On top of that, we got a few relationship dramas out of the way. For the most part however, I think Flash has captured it's charming tone that it had earlier in it's series.

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