The Flash: Mixed Signals (2017)
Season 4, Episode 2
4 seasons and people are still telling Barry what to do
18 October 2017
This episode showed how Barry (and the show) evolved absolutely NOTHING after almost 4 years of being The Flash. Barry who is supposedly one of the smartest characters is still getting his ass kicked by random metas and STILL needs the motivational speech to do something, but now it's worse, because it's Iris who inexplicably became smart enough to tell everyone what to do at every situation, is leading the team.

I have to admit i really like a funny/happy Barry, but it's just not working with Iris contradicting everything he does,there is a funny moment, and then it's gone, it's like she's the most important human being in the world, judging Barry for going to the speed force: "You left me!", no, ma'am, he just saved you, your family, the city and the world possibly, so you should be grateful that he's back and even more grateful because he's not down and depressed like last season. And i don't even want to talk about that couple's therapy scene because, oh god, it was awful.

Don't get me started on Cisco putting tech upgrades at the suit, which is an obvious rip-off from Iron Man, and i thought it was RIDICULOUS! I know it was because of the script, because the villain conveniently controls technology, but WHY THE HELL DOES THE FLASH NEEDS LASER BEAMS? WHO CAME UP WITH THESE IDEAS?!

Also what's up with Wally being useless, not being able to dodge that laser beam and doing nothing against Kilg%re? Is this because he is leaving the show? Wow, they really made him look bad this week. Is this because they can't afford having 2 speedsters and the budget is too expensive? Who knows.

The show is going downhill, but i might give it a chance and tune in for more 1 or 2 episodes, because if the writers are doing what i think they are doing, we may have a Felicity 2.0 on our way and the nightmare of Arrow season 4 will repeat all over again.
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