Potato Salad (2015)
Worst thing that happened to Germany, since Hitler
16 October 2017
So before i want to start the actual review, i want to tell the readers of this review, that i'm from Germany and that my English is not perfect, so if you find any grammatical faults....I''m sorry :(

But nevertheless I'm going to review "Kartoffelsalat" now and let me say in advance, that if you already saw that movie and you are still somewhat sane... Congratulations for that.

Kartoffelsalat came out in 2015 and most of the cast, are German youtubers. If you don't know any German youtuber, you made some good decisions in life, because most of them are just bad.

The story is about an new guy at an school, who apparently is an loser. He struggles, with finding friends and starts loving an Girl, which already has an boyfriend. The typical story of an movie, that is set in an school. Shorty after that, there's an zombie outbreak at the school, which turns a lot of the students into zombies. (They really had to drag zombies into this, didn't they?)

If you watch the movie whole, you will notice that you probably didn't even laugh once, which is not surprising, because all the jokes, that they use are just bad and so weak, that even using them is extremely embarrassing. The only human beings, that will maybe laugh by watching this movie are children, who see their favorite youtubers in an movie.

As an example. My brother (11) likes this movie, because youtubers he is currently liking, are in this movie. The bad thing about the German YouTube scene is, that most of the popular German youtubers, are only popular, because of the young fans they have. This doesn't need to be an bad thing, but most of them youtubers, are just bad examples of adults.

But let's come back to the movie.

The good things about the movie are: the length....it's only 81 minutes long :)

The bad things are:

  • the cast (the cast just sucks)

  • the story (i mean, come on)

  • the jokes (shouldn't an comedy movie, be funny?)

  • everything (beside of the length, the movie has nothing going for it)

As for an ending, i would like to say, that you all should invest your time otherwise. There are a lot of other options, like playing an video game, do some extra hours at work, make an own movie (which would probably be better than this one.)

Just do anything, but don't watch that movie.
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