Cold Moon (2016)
Cold Moon: Interesting but flawed
16 October 2017
The nice thing about Cold Moon is that it near immediately gripped me, this is a movie that got my attention early on.

Set during the late 80's the tale is told of a young murdered girl and her family seeking justice while the killer is besieged by terrifying apparitions.

The film looks beautiful with a decent cast including the living legend that is Christopher (Doc Brown, Uncle fester) Lloyd.

It delivers and is a very riveting interesting piece of cinema that thoroughly fell under the radar.

Sadly it gradually loses steam and when the vague and open to interpretation ending happens and the credits roll I was left finding myself sad that a few lose endings still remained.

Cold Moon is a decent enough film, I think it could have benefited from another 30 minutes to flesh it out but kudos to all involved for a damn fine effort.

The Good:

Very impressive cinematography

Christopher Lloyd

Great sfx

Genuinely creepy

The Bad:

Feels a bit incomplete

Inconsistent in its quality
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