The Flash: The Flash Reborn (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
Back in a Flash
11 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So season 3 was the Flash's weakest season, in my opinion. Season 4 was Arrow's weakest season and then came season 5 which was great. Now we're at season 4 of Flash, premiere episode. Was it amazing? No, not really. Was it good? Yes, yes it was.

I never expect Barry to be absent of a single episode of this show as long as Grant Gustin is still the lead actor of the show. Whoever expected an episode without Barry should recall the memory of when Oliver literally fell off a mountain side with a stab wound and no shirt on and he still came back the very next episode. Basically, the Arrowverse shows always restore their lead characters to a state of normalcy every time they are hurt or anything happens to them.

Onto the episode! It immediately opens up with a chase scene and we see Vibe, Kid Flash and good ol' Detective West take down Peek-a-Boo. I've always wanted to see villains return like Captain Cold did during season 1 so I got my thumbs crossed for Trickster (Earth-1) and Weather Wizard returning sometime during the season. The team has, as you could've guessed, tried to protect the city during Barry's absence. Iris has taken on the role of leader of Team Flash which, if I'm being honest, should logically go to either Cisco or Joe since they have been core members since the very first episode. Joe looked badass wearing those sunglasses and holding a shotgun in his hands.

We are introduced to three new enemies. The Samuroid who's from the comics is on a mission to take on the Flash. He does so by kidnapping Iris and Barry runs after him resulting in a pretty cool action scene by a couple of huge windmills. I know windmills are big but here they seemed a bit exaggerated in size. Well it is a fictional world with alternate realities so let's forget about that. This is the first action scene I've seen involving windmills so that made it at least somewhat unique. Can't say the Samuroid was a memorable villain nor did he do anything significant but that was never the intention. The plan was to just draw out the Flash and we then got the first look at the Thinker. I'm not sure I fully like his appearance but it's not terrible either. Guess it was going to be hard to top past main villains' outfits such as Zoom whose suit is still my favourite. If not in appearance, The Thinker could make a better impression in other areas as we move forward in the season.

Caitlin has put a leash on her Killer Frost powers but it seems like she's involved with a group of criminals or was part of a group of criminals during the past months that we skipped. I don't want the same story for Caitlin as last season but I do want to see some Killer Frost action now and then, maybe an ice-slide scene like last season.

While Barry was mumbling about random stuff it seemed like his mind was in all kinds of places at the same time. He quoted lines from the pilot episode in season 1 and then I believe he hinted at him and Iris having a baby as well as something disastrous happening in the future to which he looked at Joe. The symbols and talk about stars will probably explain why he got out of the speed force and will eventually tie-in with the Thinker's storyline. My guess is that the Thinker has some of the same information that Barry does and together they could solve the puzzle.

All in all it was an alright introduction to Flash's fourth season and as I've read they want to try and get the fun feeling back which is great. 'Til next week!
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