Tired of the Hollywood Hype Machine
8 October 2017
I made sure to re-watch the original the day before we saw 2049. I can't imagine how lost or uninterested an audience member must have been if they've never seen the first installment.

I can write a review conveying how shockingly slow and dull this movie is, but it looks like there are plenty of review writers who have already done that. Yes, there are some occasional brilliant scenes and cutting edge sci-fi, but for the most part,"excruciating" is the word that comes to mind.

For me, however, the real issue is I am tired of the hype machine. The last three movies I have seen in the cinema this year are Planet of the Apes, Logan Lucky, and Blade Runner. Each and every one was lavished with stellar reviews and praise from IMDb users, Metacritic reviews, and various magazines and websites. All three were terrible. I am sick and tired of the phony reviews and the complicit media trying to prop up the movie industry, and will now be much more skeptical before rushing to the cinema to spend my hard-earned money.
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