it's no masterpiece, but it IS a whole lot of fun to watch!
7 October 2017
31 Days of Spookoween: DAY SIX

Film #6: Gamera: The Giant Monster (1965)

Review: Gamera always has and always will have a special place in my heart. Before today, I had only seen one other film in the Gamera cannon, and yet it feels as if I have a limitless stream of fond memories dealing with this goofy turtle monster...

The poster for this film, the first in a long line of corny Japanese monster movies revolving around a cheesy, lovable turtle named Gamera, hangs gleefully in my room, smiling back at me whenever I enter its darkened walls. And today I finally watched the damn thing. And it was definitely pretty bad for the most part, BUT it was too entertaining to dismiss.

While not exactly so bad it's good, the movie serves as a fun watch that both fails and succeeds at whatever it tries to do. The effects are often rather silly, but they're also charming in the same way many of these classic monster movies are. You can tell this movie isn't trying to be all too serious, although it does in brief moments, and instead is just trying to provide the viewer with a fun, thrilling experience; and, for the most part, it is rather successful. So, if you're a fan of classic Godzilla-type monster flicks and are prepared to turn your brain off for a little while and enjoy some light, cheesy fun, watch "Gamera: The Giant Monster" as soon as possible and be prepared to go on a fantastic, exciting, and sometimes unintentionally hilarious ride!
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