Review of StartUp

StartUp (2016–2018)
nothing can prepare the viewer for this journey
5 October 2017
If I were to choose a key word to describe this show it would be evolution. On so many levels, the characters evolve as the story matures - even the content of the story is about evolving technology.

Another revolving theme would be pursuit of dreams at all cost, while up against great challenges. The science fiction show Farscape had a similar episode formula. Basically in Farscape a series of impossible challenges are presented in the first 10 minutes. The rest of the episode is spent solving these issues, generally with lives on the line. But are lives on the line? Even in that show that I love, the threat of real harm is rarely felt - just awesome entertainment!

But here in StarUp? The threats are very real. The stakes are super high. Choices effect multiple characters. And harsh, harsh scenes allow for tremendous acting opportunities. The cast is up for it! Incredible, breath taking scenes - at least one every two episodes, will reward and punish viewers. It's a Breaking Bad kinda punish though - so artistic and well executed, can't help but continue, because? The characters are so compelling!

StarUp is about a small cast of characters who are trying to get a tech business off the ground and make it viable. One character is the brains, one businessman the other muscle - but they all desire financial success for various reasons. Knowing this hardly can set the viewer up for a truly diverse cast from widely different backgrounds - all with various forms of personal baggage. Nor can one guess at the losses along the way of the journey, each blow the team takes making success more important and worth striving for. Lastly - this show does violence as well as any movie or TV show has to date. Weapons are assigned their extreme destructive potential. Violence is presented how it would actually occur -awkward, shocking - unbelievable scenes that are as stunning as they are captivating. This isn't three rich kids in the bay making an idea a reality. StartUp is a struggle for life for all the major characters.

Humor is present where it should be, as well as the whole gambit of emotions. StartUp wouldn't work without the victories either. It isn't just a slog of difficulties - I'd say StartUp is way less punishing than a Breaking Bad in general, but the hard hitting scenes pack just as much emotional punch.

My one critique is the dialog heavy nature of the show at times feels like it may be, perhaps... dragging on a bit. I guarantee that this is my opinion. I feel this way because the pacing and (all) the dialog may be needed for the show to work. These scenes set the groundwork and anticipation for the more explosive action sequences. At times the suspense is overwhelming - the viewer can really feel the big scenes coming.

StartUp has vision! The tech ideas are awesome, and like Mr. Robot - some of the choices in this show effect the entire landscape of the environment - i.e. world changing stuff. TV with big ideas is easy to like, especially if the presentation, story and characters are solid.

Lastly, as a viewer you'll know pretty quick if this is a show to invest yourself in. If the characters aren't liked a few episodes in? Maybe not your show. I was curious about the casting in the first couple episodes, but after 4 or 5? I couldn't see anyone else in these roles. All the characters are a nice mix of the performer + the writers initial abstraction.

So much to recommend! And the online format by which this exists? Pretty incredible! StartUp is a TV show well worth supporting, and seasoned viewers will be rewarded.

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