Friday the 13th The Final Chapter: Vast improvement on the previous films
4 October 2017
Friday 13th 1-3 I considered to be generic camp slashers which didn't live up to the iconic legacy that the franchise has built up. This 4th part however was an improvement and I actually quite enjoyed it.

This time with a couple of familiar faces in Crispin Glover and child star legend Corey Feldman the movie actually had a bit of a storyline which the previous ones didn't. Thin storyline absolutely but a storyline all the same.

I didn't entirely understand the logic of the movies finale but everything else was well enough done and though the film pales in comparison to the same years Nightmare On Elm Street it's still a decent slasher feature.

The Good:

Vastly improved death scenes

Actually has a story

The Bad:

Still pretty naff in places

Weak ending

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

If a rubber dinghy gets run through with a machete it'll continue to float because physics

Harpoon gun up the bum is a hell of a way to go
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