Uncomfortable but essential viewing, typical Theroux.
4 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Louis meets people coming to terms with life after traumatic brain injuries and the ongoing effects it has on themselves and their families.

This is not a medical or technical documentary about brain injury, there is almost no reference to it at all, but you do get a very real perception of just how complex the human brain is. There is also no controversy or shock-value as we are used to with most Theroux documentaries. It is a glimpse into the everyday lives of 4 people who, by various means, suffer life-changing head traumas. Although they all have the brain injury and loss of independence in common, the way it affected their personalities and character is quite diverse. It is more verification that, even with today's technology and scientific knowledge, we still know so little about how our brains actually work.

As it runs for just an hour, you never really get into the details of each situation, but this is not a hindrance as there is still more than enough to give one a very real sense of the difficulties they face. I doubt that anyone not personally impacted by brain injury could watch this and not feel extremely fortunate, grateful and extremely moved.

Louis is even more restrained than usual in this documentary, (which is understandable given the delicate subject matter), but, as always, he appears to be genuinely touched by their plight, and really interested in finding some basic understanding of how these people think and feel.

It is not an easy watch, as, obviously there is no happy ending or even uplifting moments which gives you hope for the sufferers or their families. "It's happened, so I just have to get on with it and enjoy life" says Natalie, though you never really get the feeling she actually understands the gravity of her situation, which is perhaps for the best.

It is extremely sad to see the devastating effect it has on the people close to the sufferers, especially as each of them seems to have little or no understanding of the sacrifices their loved ones and carers have to make just to get them through a "normal" day.

I may be biased as I am clearly a fan of Louis Theroux's style of film-making, but I fail to see how anyone could fail to be engaged and emotionally affected by this tender and sombre documentary.
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