The Dancer (2016)
Kristeva meets Busby Berkley but clichéd homophobic plot
2 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The dance sequences were wonderful - all credit to Soko who did her own dancing, Fanny Sage who was body double to the delightful Lily Depp, and dance adviser US artist Jody Sperling a major dancer and innovative performer in her own right, whose work is excellently showcased here. I loved the intelligent and exciting re-staging of Fuller's dances and the more conceptual scene of Duncan's overtly erotic lap dance rapidly clearing multiple rooms of elderly fearful conservative white males - Kristeva meets Busby Berkley. Go to see the film for these breathtaking sequences alone

It was good to see a female director tackling a female subject

However the plot was inaccurate and ridiculous and clichéd in a manner that would be expected of Hollywood say in the 1950s. about 95% of the story apart from the dancing was made up. The decadent male junkie significant other and sponsor/art fund-er was an invention, the Montana/Wyoming childhood - possibly filmed in the Czech Republic was totally made up - although its nods in styling and lighting to those Europhile fantasies of the wild west - Heaven's Gate and the Hateful Eight were nice Easter eggs, the weird puritan temperance colony in New York where Fuller's on screen mother lived - adorned with a surprising amount of Catholic kitsch for a fundamentalist protestant cult - totally invented, the ignoring of Fuller's primary same-same lifestyle and the casting of Isadora Duncan as a duplicitous ambitious lesbian - All About Eve rang they wanted their plot line - makes the film down right homophobic And let's not mention the modernist myth of the outsider misunderstood genius battling through with courage and persistence ... yawn yawn yawn
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