The Outcasts (2017)
Knock off mean girls
29 September 2017
I did find this movie a quite mediocre, cliché teen chick flick. There were so many flaws in this movie that it made the movie experience cringe worthy. The characters were some what relatable, but also poorly acted. Like you would have the most typical characters that you would find in any chick flick. Like the mean girls vs the socially awkward girls. It did become a bit of a bore since I have seen it all before. There wasn't really anything "great" about this movie. The concept and plot was quite interesting though it was poorly executed. I found also the narration throughout the movie were totally unnecessary. I felt really confused because we were looking into both of the two best friends lives, So it just felt useless having narration in the movie; It just felt tacky and rushed, just to give a bit more substance to the movie. There wasn't much intelligence to the movie. It was about geeks and freaks but it just felt so badly done, I just didn't like it at all. It is also just another knock off mean girls chick flick. Just watch mean girls.
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