Big Eden (2000)
A different kind of gay movie
30 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Henry Hart comes back to his sick grandpa into the fictional town Big Eden and finds love.

It is a simple script but I like how it is done. On one part it is not 100% realistic. It is more of a gay utopia. A small town in Montana where everyone is not only gay accepting but doesn't even seem to care that anyone is gay, they just want them to be happy. This helped to make a gay romance movie that is different. It isn't about a coming out or worrying about homophobic neighbours. It is a simple romantic movie like they would do with a straight couple.

I loved all the characters and how they presented them. The lady who tried to hook Henry up with women first but then got the idea and the whole town went on helping Pike to get with him. Including those cowboys sitting in his store all day doing nothing and yet making little moves to get him closer to Henry.

And then some parts are more realistic than in other gay movies. The characters are normal men. Over 30 or even 40. Not models but looking like a normal guy.

I think this formula of switching what is usually more realistic and more fiction in the common gay movies and creating something very different. This was a nice and a pretty sweet result.
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