Review of Other Space

Other Space (2015)
This is funny why? Ask the easily amused people who liked it
28 September 2017
OK i managed to get through 3 episodes of this unfunny drivel without laughing once, then i switched off and threw it back where i found it. Why is America so bad at making sci-fi comedies? Seriously why don't they take a look at the UK's BBC's sci-fi comedies first before they even think about attempting to try make one on their own. The only reason i actually managed to get through 3 episodes was because of Natasha (Conor Leslie) who is an absolute babe and a half. In the end even she could not hold my interest in this unfunny crap. That is two new comedy Sci-fi shows America has released lately..this crap and Orville, i hoped other space might have been more watchable than the unfunny Orville but WOW was i wrong. The only reason i have given a star rating of 2 of 10 is thanks to Conor Leslie.

If you are a Brit and think it would be an idea to see America's idea of sci-fi comedy shows then be warned it is no Red Dwarf or Hyperdrive, my advice stay well clear of this total unfunny crap.
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