Neo Yokio (2017–2018)
Culture Clash
25 September 2017
With obvious anime roots, this show is a western version of an eastern style that often tries to emulate western values and iconography. As such you get a uniquely self-referential style of series that simultaneously celebrates western aristocratic capitalism, while at the same time questioning it.

There is a distinct American Psycho vibe, where class, stature and the latest accessories often take precedence over sane character choices and are emphasised throughout as the be-all and end-all of the constructed world of Neo Yokio. While there is often humour derived from these situations the show also seems to be trying to make some real points about materialism and shallow social climbing. The problem is that all these points have been made a thousand times before, and they overshadow any 'demonic' goings-on, which are really just background noise to the social politics of the world created.

Overall Neo Yokio has its own style for a western show, and is a decent watch. It is mostly a shame that it only has a six-episode first series since none of the themes are explored anywhere near enough. With some more time this could have been a cult hit, as it is it requires a lot more expansion since nothing really happens in the six episode span past scratching the surface of the world.
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