Review of Captain Ron

Captain Ron (1992)
A Good Light-Hearted Comedy
24 September 2017
This movie begins with a man named "Martin Harvey" (Martin Short) and his wife "Katherine Harvey" (Mary Kay Place) inheriting a sail boat once owned by Clark Gable. The only problem is that they have to sail it from a small island in the Caribbean called Pomme de Terre to a port in Miami to have it surveyed in order to sell. However, once they get there they find that the boat is in great disrepair and unable to sail it themselves they hire a local sailor named "Captain Ron" (Kurt Russell) to help them out. What they don't realize is that Captain Ron is a complete idiot and is liable to get them all killed before they ever get to Miami. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that a friend recommended this movie to me many years ago and upon eventually watching it I found it to be as good as he said it was. I especially liked the acting of Kurt Russell who was absolutely hilarious. In any case, those who are looking for a good light-hearted comedy might want to check this one out and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.
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