May contain slight spoilers..
22 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really dug "The houses October Built." I can get down with the ff conceit, and it was especially well done there. The whole idea was original, people going to haunted houses and looking for more extreme haunts and biting off more than they can chew.. But this movie pretty much undoes all the magic of the first.. Sorry but I don't think it's really any spoiler to say that every single cast member from the first is in the sequel, and while the given reason makes sense, and also it was kinda neat (for about 5 seconds) to watch the whole gang reunited, there was really no new ground tread here to warrant undoing the ending of the original to make this sequel..

Sure there were a few creepy parts but those mostly stem from the appearances of familiar faces from the first film. It just didn't have the same feeling or energy as the first.. Yet they were doing almost the same thing again.. Lastly I just felt that the big "twist" wasn't worth doing to the overall story line but I won't ruin it for those who do want to watch. I guess it was worth watching, I didn't absolutely hate it.. But I won't be re-watching, where adversely I have re-watched the first THOB a few times.. Sorry guys.. This cow's been milked dry, onto new ideas.
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