Neo Yokio (2017–2018)
This is so pretentious it hurts
22 September 2017
Let me just say I made a pointed effort to try to go into this open minded and was almost immediately disappointed. The whole thing is a weird attempt at both mocking and glorifying classic anime tropes, only done so with no real purpose. It's like it's trying to hide the fact it doesn't know what it's doing behind an "artistic" facade that's about as flimsy as Jaden Smiths unfathomably flat voice acting.

This whole thing just sways from pointless whining to incredibly contrived conflicts to just long swaths of pseudo-intellectual mumbling. It's just awful, clearly whoever wrote and directed this was given far FAR too much creative control and there was no one to reign them in cause almost every moment of this show just seems off. In addition this really does have no soul, no point, no gravitas no nothing really, it's literally just a self indulgent foray into anime for the sake of well... I don't know why.

Take away, it's bad, very bad. It tries to be a lot of things and fails to be anything other than incredibly whiny (mostly about the burdens of being rich), about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face and just kind of annoying.
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